Invited speakers
- A.V. Abanin (Southern Federal University). TBA
- F.G. Avkhadiev (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University). TBA
- V.K. Beloshapka (Lomonosov Moscow State University). TBA
- Yu.N. Drozhzhinov (Steklov Mathematical Institute). TBA
- Maria Fragoulopoulou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens). A few highlights on some algebras of unbounded operators
- A.M. Gaisin (Institute of Mathematics with Computer Center of Russian Academy of Sciences). TBA
- F. Haslinger (University of Vienna). The d-bar-Neumann problem and Schrödinger operators.
- H. Hedenmalm (The Royal Institute of Technology Department of Mathematics). TBA.
- A.Ya. Helemskii (Lomonosov Moscow State University). Quantum functional analysis and tensor products.
- S.N. Melikhov (Southern Federal University). TBA
- A. Montes-Rodriguez (University of Sevilla). Dynamics of Gauss maps and the Klein-Gordon equation.
- V.V. Napalkov (Institute of Mathematics with Computer Center of Russian Academy of Sciences). TBA
- S.R. Nasyrov (Kazan Federal University). Distortion of conformal modulus of regions under their deformation.
- A.N. Pechen (Steklov Mathematical Institute). Approximation of the Zeno quantum effect
- A.G. Sergeev (Steklov Mathematical Institute). TBA
- F.A. Shamoyan (I.G. Petrovsky Bryansk State University). TBA
- A.B. Sukhov (Universit´e des Sciences et Technologies de Lille). Geometry of holomorphic mappings
- R.S. Yulmukhametov (Institute of Mathematics with Computer Center of Russian Academy of Sciences). TBA
(up to date 06.03.2017)