Musin Il'dar Khamitovich

- Position: Director
- Degree: Doctor Phys.-Math. Sci.
- E-mail:
- Research interests:
- Function Theory
- Complex Analysis
- Harmonic Analysis
- Teaching
- Curriculum vitae
- Participation in conferences:
- Toeplitz operators with separately radial symbols on Fock type spaces. "Mathematical Physics, Dynamical Systems and Infinite-Dimensional Analysis – 2021" (June 30–July 9, 2021, online, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny)
- 23rd St.Petersburg Summer Meeting in Mathematical Analysis, Euler International Mathematical Institute (St.Petersburg, Russia), June 25 - June 30, 2014.
- VIII International Symposium "Fourier Series and their Applications", XXII International Conference "Mathematics. Economics. Education" (May 27–June 03, 2014, Camp "Moryak", Abrau-Durso).
- II International Conference "Geometric Analysis and Its Applications" (May 26–30, 2014, Volgograd).
- Musin M.I., Musin I.Kh. On Fourier transform of a class of entire functions. Ufa Mathematical Journal. Volume 6, Number 4 (2014), 108-121.
- I.Kh. Musin, M.I. Musin. On a space of entire functions rapidly decreasing on ${\mathbb R}^n$ and its Fourier transformation. arXiv:1411.3478.
- Nadir V Ibadov and Il'dar Kh. Musin. Difference equations in weighted spaces of sequences. Functiones et Approximatio Commentarii Mathematici. Volume 49, Number 2 (2013), 357-370.
- I. Kh. Musin. Approximation by polynomials in a weighted space of infinitely differentiable smooth functions with an application to hypercyclicity. Extracta Mathematicae, 27 (1) (2012), 75-90.
- Il'dar Kh. Musin, Polina V. Yakovleva. On a space of smooth functions on a convex unbounded set in ${\mathbb R}^n$ admitting holomorphic extension in ${\mathbb C}^n$. Central European Journal of Mathematics, 10:2 (2012), 665-692.