Ramazanov Marat Davidovich

- Position: Chief Scientist
- Degree: Doctor Phys.-Math. Sci.
- Rank: Professor
- E-mail: RamazanovMD@yandex.ru
- Research interests
- The theory of approximate calculation
- Theory of functions of several real variables
- Correct statements of boundary problems of mathematical physics
- Teaching
- Professor of Department of Programming and Economic Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics of BSU, Department of programming and computer science of physical-mathematical Faculty that BSPU, high-performance computing and technical Faculties of USATU.
- Delivered lecture courses: calculus, ordinary differential equations, mathematical physics, calculus of variations, optimization theory, control theory, cubature formulas, embedding theorems, generalized functions.
- Curriculum vitae
- Born on April 28, 1939
- In 1956 he finished secondary school № 11 in Ufa
- In the years 1956-1964 student and post-graduate student of the Department of Differential Equations of mech-mat. faculty of MSU
- In the years 1965-1971 works at the Department of Differential Equations IMSO AN of the USSR, Novosibirsk
- In the years 1971-1990 Head of the Department of Differential Equations, faculty of Mathematics BSU
- From 1988 to present Officer at Institute of Mathematics with Computer Center of the Ufa Science Center of RAS.
- Major works are presented on pages Рамазанов М.Д. and Ramazanov M.D. .