
    Ufa Mathematical Journal
    Volume 3, Number 3, pp. 146-157

    Stability of sequences of zero for classes of holomorphic functions of moderate growth in the unit disk

    Khabibullin F.B.

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    Let $\Lambda = (\lambda_k ) $ and $ \Gamma = (\gamma_k ) $ are two point sequences in the unit disk $ \D: = \{z\in \bC \colon |z | <1 \} $ of the complex plane $ \bC $, and $H $ be a weight space of holomorphic functions on $\D$. Suppose that $ \Lambda $ is the zero subsequence of some nonzero function from $H$. We give conditions of closeness of the sequence $ \Gamma $ to the sequence $ \Lambda $, under which the sequence $ \Gamma $ is the zero sequence for some holomorphic function from space $ \Hat H \supset H $. The space $ \Hat H $ can be a little more than $H $.