
    Ufa Mathematical Journal
    Volume 10, Number 2, pp. 118-126

    Certain generating functions of Hermite-Bernoulli-Legendre polynomials

    Khan N.U., Usman T.


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    The special polynomials of more than one variable provide new means of analysis for the solutions of a wide class of partial differential equations often encountered in physical problems. Most of the special function of mathematical physics and their generalization have been suggested by physical problems. It turns out very often that the solution of a given problem in physics or applied mathematics requires the evaluation of an infinite sum involving special functions. Problems of this type arise, e.g., in the computation of the higher-order moments of a distribution or while calculating transition matrix elements in quantum mechanics. Motivated by their importance and potential for applications in a variety of research fields, recently, numerous polynomials and their extensions have been introduced and studied. In this paper, we introduce a new class of generating functions for Hermite-Bernoulli-Legendre polynomials and study certain implicit summation formulas by using different analytical means and applying generating function. We also introduce bilateral series associated with a newly-introduced generating function by appropriately specializing a number of known or new partly unilateral and partly bilateral generating functions. The results presented here, being very general, are pointed out to be specialized to yield a number of known and new identities involving relatively simpler and familiar polynomials.