
    Ufa Mathematical Journal
    Volume 7, Number 3, pp. 54-66

    Distribution of zeroes to generalized Hermite polynomials

    Novokshenov V.Yu., Schelkonogov A.A.


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    Asymptotics of the orthogonal polynomial constitute a classic analytic problem. In the paper, we find a distribution of zeroes to generalized Hermite polynomials $H_{m,n}(z)$ as $m=n$, $n\to\infty$, $z=O(\sqrt n)$. These polynomials defined as the Wronskians of classic Hermite polynomials appear in a number of mathematical physics problems as well as in the theory of random matrices. Calculation of asymptotics is based on Riemann-Hilbert problem for Painlevé IV equation which has the solutions $u(z)= -2z +\partial_z \ln H_{m,n+1}(z)/H_{m+1,n}(z)$. In this scaling limit the Riemann-Hilbert problem is solved in elementary functions. As a result, we come to analogues of Plancherel-Rotach formulae for asymptotics of classical Hermite polynomials.