
    Ufa Mathematical Journal
    Volume 7, Number 2, pp. 102-105

    Existence of hypercyclic subspaces for Toeplitz operators

    Lishanskii A.A.


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    In this work we construct a class of coanalytic Toeplitz operators, which have an infinite-dimensional closed subspace, where any non-zero vector is hypercyclic. Namely, if for a function $\varphi$ which is analytic in the open unit disc $\mathds{D}$ and continuous in its closure the conditions $\varphi(\mathds{T}) \cap \mathds{T} \ne \emptyset$ and $\varphi(\mathds{D}) \cap \mathds{T} \ne \emptyset$ are satisfied, then the operator $\varphi (S^*)$ (where $S^*$ is the backward shift operator in the Hardy space) has the required property. The proof is based on an application of a theorem by Gonzalez, Leon-Saavedra and Montes-Rodriguez.