
    Ufa Mathematical Journal
    Volume 4, Number 2, pp. 87-101

    Optimum boundary control in the field of with a small concavity.

    Danilin A.R.

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    The paper is devoted to research of an asymptotics of a solution of a problem of optimum boundary control [1] in the field of with a small concavity. Construction of an asymptotics of a boundary value problem for an elliptic operator in the field of with a small concavity is considered in [2], and an asymptotics of the distributed control in the field of with a small concavity in [3]. The Asymptotics of boundary control for an operator with small factor at the higher derivative was considered century [4], [5]. Other problems of control by solutions of boundary value problems of the optimum control containing small parameter are considered century [6], [7].