
Reviewing regulations in “Ufa Mathematical Journal”

 All manuscripts submitted to the journal are reviewed in accordance with the regulated procedure. Leading experts in the field of mathematics are involved in reviewing process.

 After the registation, each manuscript is sent to two referees; if the subject of the manuscript belongs to several fields of mathematics, the manuscript can be sent to three of more referees. This is registered in the log file of the journal and the date is indicated. As an additional referee, a member of the editorial board is appointed. The reviewing is anonymous, i.e., the authors do not know the names of the referees.

 The period of reviewing is controlled and usually it is 2 months from the submittance date. If necessary, a cover letter signed by the editor-in-chief is sent to a refereer together with the manuscript.

 While preparing the referee’s report, the referee is recommended to use the "form of review for UMJ"

The recieved reports and the date are recorded in log file of the journal.

 The referee’s reports are sent to the authors. Authors should take into consideration the comments of the referees and make the corresponding corrections in the manuscript or provide a motivated reply to disagree with the comments of the reviewer.

The corrected manuscript is considered by the editorial board again or is sent to the referee and the final decision is adopted by the editorial board afterwards.

The final decision on all manuscript is adopted by the editorial board at its meeting after discussion of each manuscript, which is fixed in the log file of the journal.

The submittance date of a manuscript is the date of receiving the final version.

The editorial secretary informs the author about the decision (positive or negative) adopted by the editorial board.

In the case of rejecting, the editorial board retains one copy of the paper and sends a motivated letter to the author(s). Referee’s repors are kept in the editorial office.

Form of review for UMJ

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